What does it mean to take a stand and why would you do it?
Greetings Sector Champions. What does it mean to take a stand and why would you do it? The ATDC is open on January 26 and we have given staff the option to work on this day and take another off in lieu. This is in line with many other organisations and individuals who are making […]
Thanks, and see you in the New Year
A message on behalf of the ATDC Sector Development team.. Hi Folks, While the ATDC office will re-open on 3rd Jan 2023, today is my last day in the office until 16 Jan next year, when I will once again be back on deck scheming *cue evil genius laugh* for the next year’s events and fun 😊. […]
An update from Jackie Hallam, Acting CEO
Greetings Earthlings, It is with warmth and solidarity that the ATDC wishes you happiness and joy for the holiday period. Grab hold of it with both hands and embrace the opportunity to reflect upon the year and recognise your achievements in 2022. Your work continues to support and connect people in our community, and your […]
What is decriminalisation?
Many readers will have recently seen or heard calls to decriminalise personal illicit drug use in Australia and Tasmania. It is not a new topic by any means, but it is one the Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council (ATDC) Tasmania believes will start to attract more attention in the short to medium-term if interstate […]
There are some changes happening at the ATDC
There are some changes happening at the ATDC. Many of you reading this may already be aware that I have been announced as one of 24 participants selected into the 2022 Social Impact Leadership Australia Program. I join an impressive group of for-purpose leaders including four other Tasmanian chief executives including Adrienne Picone (TasCOSS), Michael Kelly […]
ATDC Budget Priority Statement 2023-2024
The first key action of the 10-year Tasmanian Government’s Reform Agenda for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector in Tasmania is to “establish a funded AOD consumer organisation in Tasmania”. Informed by the ATDC’s 2019 Options Paper How do we add the missing piece? An ATOD Consumer Representative Organisation for Tasmania, the organisation will provide state-wide […]
ATDC Annual Report 2021-22
Chair’s Report 2022 The last twelve months has been a busy and fruitful period for the ATDC with exciting progress being made on some fronts, significant amounts of advocacy for our members on other fronts, and of course all the ongoing tasks and roles that a peak body undertakes daily. As I highlight some of […]
Lived Experience Participation Self-Assessment Review
Do you want to have a better understanding of the experience of people accessing your service? Do you want a quick way to gain insight into what your organisation has done well in the past and where there a opportunities for improvement? The Lived Experience Participation Self-Assessment Review is an opportunity to take your organisation […]
Alcohol and Drug Cognitive Enhancement (ACE) Pilot Program
A collection of learning resources to assist workers delivering AOD counselling and brief interventions over the telephone. This Telephone Counselling toolkit has been developed as a collaboration between NCCRED, Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support Queensland and Insight: Centre for alcohol and other drug training and workforce development. This Telephone Counselling toolkit contains eLearning modules, videos, tip sheets […]
Keeping Connected
Touch base with ATOD colleagues across Tasmania in our regular Keeping Connected sessions. Share where your services are at now we have entered the ‘recovery’ phase of COVID19 and talk about the future of the sector – what changes to services might be needed and what we anticipate the next 6-12 months to look like. […]