ATDC Budget Priority Statement 2024-2025

ATDC Budget Priority Statement 23-24

Funding Certainty and Sustainability

The ATDC Budget Priority Statement 2024/25 was submitted to the Department of Treasury and Finance  on November 30 2023.

This is an annual process where consultation with members informs the development of a submission that articulates our shared sector-wide priorities.

This year there are four ‘asks’:

→  Five year funding agreements with adequate indexation applied

→  Continuity for peer workers in Tasmania alcohol and other drug services

→  Continuity of the ATDC Reform Project Officer position

→  Continuity of the Lived Experience Advocate Service funding and an additional allocation to establish the independent organisation for people with lived experience

Tasmanians deserve a properly funded alcohol, tobacco and other drugs sector. It not only benefits those who need support for their substance use concerns, it creates healthier, happier and more prosperous communities for all.