Lived Experience and Public Participation Statement of Intent

The ATDC has created this statement to provide a guiding framework for how the voice of lived experience will be represented throughout our organisation and in the information and advice we provide to our members, lived experience advocates and other stakeholders. We recognise that lived experience of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs is multi-faceted and […]

ATDC Submission to National AOD Workforce Strategy Consultation

This submission provides a response to the consultation process conducted by the National Centre on Education Training on Addiction (NCETA) to support the development of a second National AOD Workforce Development Strategy. The National AOD Workforce Development Strategy aims to be a useful resource and guide for the AOD sector to inform planning and implementation […]

ATDC Budget Priority Statement 2022-2023

Driving Innovation Through Communities This submission includes five priorities for the 2022–23 Tasmanian State Budget and has been developed through comprehensive consultation with our members. The funding requests reflect shared sector priorities, and are all aligned with, and support the Reform Agenda for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector, and Our Healthcare Future. What do we […]


Enhancing the client journey: moving towards an Integrated ATOD Service System Position Paper Overview: 1.   Integration means coordinated action, collaboration and partnerships between agencies and professionals, underpinned by a communication framework both within the alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) specialist system and also with other sectors. Different approaches are required for vertical and horizontal integration […]

Justice and Health

Strengthening Tasmania’s justice response to alcohol and other drug use. Summary Recommendations →  Increased investment into alcohol and other drug treatment services within the Tasmanian Prison Service, including increased in-reach services provided by the community-managed ATOD sector →  Increased resources to provide effective and coordinated through-care for people exiting the prison system, integrated with community-managed AOD […]

Drug Checking

Drug Checking Saves Lives The ATDC supports drug checking based on the evidence of its effectiveness as a harm reduction strategy. The ATDC calls for the convening of an advisory committee of relevant stakeholders and experts to investigate options for trialing drug checking at Tasmania’s music festivals and events. Download Position Paper

ATDC Budget Priority Statement 2021-2022

Investing in Communities and People As the Tasmanian alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD) sector recovers from COVID-19 and readies itself for reform, there are immediate opportunities to make a difference. The first priority is to respond to the long standing demand for ATOD treatment, support and education delivered by Tasmanian community-managed organisations. The second […]

Tobacco 21

Tobacco 21 Position Statement Tasmania has the second highest tobacco usage in the country and the ATDC supports any initiatives that seek to reduce the number of people that smoke T21 legislation is a strategy to help prevent and delay the initiation of tobacco product use The ATDC continues to support the introduction of the Public […]

ATDC Submission to Our Healthcare Future

Our submission to Our Healthcare Future: Expand evidence based drug programs in community settings that focus on education, prevention, relapse and which minimise harms associated with substance use. Currently there are missed opportunities contributing to the burden on our hospitals. The ATOD community sector can play a role. Download Submission