Overdose Day Resources Image Of Cranes

Overdose Day Resources

Thank you for helping us promote International Overdose Awareness Day!

On this page there are a wide range of resources to choose from to help you get the word out.

Find out more about International Overdose Awareness Day and how you can be a part of raising overdose awareness.

Post on social media

1. Choose an image

Download all social images

2. Choose from the text below, or come up with your own and add the tags #EndOverdose #OverdoseAware #IOAD2023 @OverdoseDay @atdctas

Be part of ending overdose! Join us in folding origami cranes and contribute to a local art installation. #EndOverdose #OverdoseAware #IOAD2023 @OverdoseDay @atdctas

Be part of ending overdose! Commemorating International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) by folding origami cranes, contribute to an art piece, and attend an overdose awareness event on 31 August, 2023. #EndOverdose #OverdoseAware #IOAD2023 @OverdoseDay @atdctas

Fold an origami crane and raise awareness of overdose. Instructions: https://www.atdc.org.au/origami-instructions/ #EndOverdose #OverdoseAware #IOAD2023 @OverdoseDay @atdctas

We’re folding origami cranes to commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day. Contact us if you would like to join our event. #EndOverdose #OverdoseAware #IOAD2023 @OverdoseDay @atdctas

Add a banner image and text to your email signature

Be a part of ending overdose. How many cranes can you fold?
Visit atdc.org.au for details on how you can be involved.

Print an Overdose Day poster

Download Overdose Day poster (13MB)


Are you holding a crane folding event?

Create a Facebook/Eventbrite event and use the provided cover image

Print some posters to promote your crane folding session.

Download crane folding session poster (7MB)