ATDC Submission to National AOD Workforce Strategy Consultation

This submission provides a response to the consultation process conducted by the National Centre on Education Training on Addiction (NCETA) to support the development of a second National AOD Workforce Development Strategy.

The National AOD Workforce Development Strategy aims to be a useful resource and guide for the AOD sector to inform planning and implementation of workforce development (WFD)
activities at a national, jurisdictional and organisational level.

The ATDC has identified 3 issues that have emerged since the last strategy was developed in 2015, and 4 priority actions:

Three issues since 2015:

  1. Rising rates of client complexity
  2. Rise in demand for AOD services/ increased referrals
  3. Availability of work ready staff

Four priority actions:

  1.  Spotlight on funding arrangements
  2. Increasing access to training
  3. Funding the implementation of a National AOD Workforce Strategy
  4. Supporting the AOD peer workforce and the lived experience voice generally