Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania

Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania Logo

Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania (MHFFTas) is a statewide leader in the provision of mental health families and friends support. We aim to improve the quality of life for the one in five Tasmanian families, friends, carers and people living with mental health issues and mental illness. Mental health families and friends are people […]

Launceston City Mission

City Mission Logo

City Mission seeks to provide assistance to all who have a physical, emotional, social or spiritual need, through a varied program of both social and evangelistic activities. The Mission works actively alongside churches and community groups to bring friendship, care and compassion to those who feel socially isolated. The Missiondale Therapeutic Community is a 34 […]


Holyoake Logo

Holyoake was founded in 1975 in Western Australia when a small group of alcohol and drug dependent people were concerned about the quality and quantity of help available to individuals and their families with problems related to alcohol, drugs, gambling and other addictive behaviour. Holyoake has operated in Tasmania since 1988. Holyoake is a non-profit […]

Drug Education Network

Drug Education Network Logo

The Drug Education Network (DEN) is a non-government organisation funded to deliver a range of health promotion, prevention, and early intervention programs to reduce the harm associated with alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) use across Tasmania. They have a commitment to deliver services focused on community engagement and capacity building. DEN recognises socio-economic, cultural […]

Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation (CHAC)

Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation (CHAC) Logo

With approximately 40 full and part-time workers and a team of volunteers, CHAC has implemented an important range of community and commercial services critical to the needs of health and wellbeing of the Australian Indigenous People/s of Circular Head. CHAC has become a valued contributor to the advancement of positive proactive attitudes that remain in […]

Cancer Council Tasmania

Cancer Council Tasmania Logo

On average, over nine Tasmanians are diagnosed with cancer each day – making our work in Tasmania vital to the health of the community. Visit the Cancer Council Tasmania website

Bethlehem House

Bethlehem House Logo

Over the years, the Bethlehem House has changed a lot to meet the needs of our disadvantaged community. We help a wide range of homeless men, many of whom have experienced problems with family and relationship breakdown, mental health issues, alcohol and substance abuse, and periods of unemployment and/or imprisonment. Bethlehem House continues to struggle […]

Anglicare Tasmania

Anglicare Tasmania Logo

In response to the Christian faith, Anglicare strives to achieve social justice and provide the opportunity for people in need to reach fullness of life. We are guided in this mission by the values of compassion, hope, respect and justice. Our first service opened in 1983 to assist people struggling with debt and low income. […]

Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Alcohol and Drug Foundation Logo

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation was established in 1959 to support the many post-war veterans who became dependent on alcohol as a way of coping with the trauma of war. An empathetic and humane approach has always been central to their work. From modest beginnings, the ADF continues to evolve. Trauma continues to be a […]

Advocacy Tasmania

Advocacy Tasmania Logo

The ATI team comprises members of the Board of Management, staff, volunteers and members who act separately and jointly to progress the interests of our clients at an individual and systems level. We work to promote and protect the rights and interests of our clients. We provide a free, State-wide, independent and confidential ‘Your Say’ […]