Media Release – ATDC 2024 Election Advocacy Roundup

Jackie HallamOn the eve of the 2024 state election, the Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council Tasmania (ATDC) says it is yet to receive a commitment from either major political party about how they will reduce alcohol and drug-related harm in Tasmania if elected.

ATDC CEO Dr Jackie Hallam said there was currently no plan or public commitment to address the fact that alcohol and other drug services were shrinking across the state.

“Tasmanian organisations are asking questions and wondering why there is silence on how the major parties will lower alcohol and other drug related harm,” she said.

“This problem is felt in every part of the state, in every social strata.

“It affects individuals, families, lowers workplace productivity, lessens life expectancy and contributes to filling hospitals and prisons.

“There is increasing demand and greater wait times for Tasmanians to get the assistance they need.”

Dr Hallam said people were presenting to services with greater and more complex needs and rates of use of alcohol and other drugs in Tasmania were still above the national average, and the cost to the health system and the wider community was significant.

“For example, there are currently 80,000 Tasmanians drinking at a level that is likely to cause harm – either to themselves, the people they know or the community,” she said.

Dr Hallam said funding was required to drive change with regard to alcohol, tobacco and other drug use and turn the problem around.

“If we continue to ignore this issue, services to the regions will continue to shrink and this will result in noticeable, preventable, harm in Tasmania,” she said.

“There is substantial research that evidence-based alcohol and other drug treatment, support and education prevents and lowers harm across the community.

“We need our politicians to take account of this evidence and listen to those who are directly affected to fund the services that help Tasmanians who need support for alcohol or drug use.”

For further information:

Jackie Hallam – mobile 0438 347 056 or

Media contact:

Nicolas Turner – mobile 0418 538 865 or